• Faculty of Built Environment
  • fab@um.edu.my
  • +603-79677955

Make a gift to FBE

Explore the Many Ways to Give to FBE and Realize Your Generous Aspirations with us today At Faculty of Built Environment, we offer numerous opportunities for you to contribute and make a lasting impact. Your support can drive innovation, enhance education, and uplift facilities.

In Kind Gifts

FBE gratefully accepts donations of materials that support our academic, teaching, and research objectives, including artwork, equipment, book collections, and other valuable items.
Referred to as "gifts in kind," these donations that are not in the form of money are another significant way in which FBE receives support.To discuss your potential support of FBE, contact Associate Professor Sr Dr. Norhayati Mahyuddin, Deputy Dean of Development, on

Email us about in-kind gifts

Last Update: 25/07/2024