• Faculty of Built Environment
  • fab@um.edu.my
  • +603-79677955

What happens after graduation?

UM provides many programmes outside the classroom that students can join to sharpen skills required in the industry, which will increase their employability.

After graduation, those who want to upgrade their knowledge and skills can join our upskilling programmes (priority to unemployed graduates).

Still unemployed after graduation? There are employment opportunities that we share from time to time.

Finally, graduates must indicate their employment status with Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia (MoHE) Graduate Tracer Study (SKPG), which is open around convocation time. Subsequently, you can update your employment status in SKPG 2.0 as necessary. For instance, at convocation time you may still be “Undergoing upskilling programmes” but you may receive a job offer in November. Upon accepting the job offer, you may upgrade your status to “Employed” in SKPG 2.0. For more information, please visit Graduate Employability & Career Centre (GECC).

Sistem Kajian Pengesanan Graduan (SKPG)/Graduate Tracer Study

SKPG is an annual survey by the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) to study the performance of graduates in the job market upon completion of their studies. In addition, this survey is also used to gather information on graduates’ perspectives on their academic programs, facilities and the impact of the teaching and learning process in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs).


Last Update: 20/07/2024