• Faculty of Built Environment
  • fab@um.edu.my
  • +603-79677955


PhD students will carry out focused research in their area of specialisation, which is of immediate relevance to their research interest. Additionally, they will be exposed to new developments and challenges in their research topic in the international arena through media, seminars, conferences and keynote addresses and also through research attachments and collaborative exchange arrangements with international recognised research centres.

This Ph.D programme is purely based on individual supervised research. Candidates will be exposed to Research Methodology Course to strengthen their research knowledge. At the end of the candidate's study, a thesis must be submitted and upon successful defence, the candidate will be granted Ph.D status. Candidates are required to complete their studies within 12 semesters.

The Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Built Environment is an interdisciplinary program offered by Faculty of Built Environment, University of Malaya (UM). The program provides students with a common core of extensive, integrated knowledge focused upon all the facets of the built environment specialization. The Faculty of Built Environment UM has an internationally renowned reputation. Its international focus and diverse body of students makes it a stimulating environment for ambitious PhD candidates who wish to obtain a doctoral degree from a leading design academy/research institute. PhD candidates benefit from close interaction with world-class researchers and educators and are well supervised throughout their education.

Research is the principal requirement and candidates will produce a thesis, Candidates may be required to attend some pre-requisite courses as prescribed by the University.

The length of time required for the completion of a programme depends on the progress of the individual candidate. In general, the minimum, maximum and average durations are as follows:

Program Duration
Minimum: 4 semesters
Maximum :12 semesters
Average   : 6 semesters (Average semester is the length of time when candidates usually complete their programme)

Students who have undertaken the PhD programme may pursue their careers in academia and industry related to the built environment.


Application and admission are open throughout the year. For online application, please visit https://pgadmission.um.edu.my

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Candidature Seminar

Assessment Rubric


Progress Report

A candidate is required to submit a research progress report latest between week sixteen and week eighteen of each semester before the registration of the subsequent semester in accordance with the prescribed procedure. The Supervisor, Co-Supervisor and Consultant shall evaluate the candidate’s research progress report in accordance with the prescibed procedures and complete the said evaluation within one (1) week from the date of receipt of progress report for the semester concerned.

A candidate whose progress is satisfactory shall be recommended to continue with his candidature. A candidate whose progress is not satisfactory for two (2) consecutive semesters shall have his candidature terminated by the University. Please make sure the following steps are followed to ensure successful submission of your progress report:

Language Requirement

Entry Requirement

Last Update: 07/01/2025