• Faculty of Built Environment
  • fab@um.edu.my
  • +603-79677955


Students will have the benefits of exposure in conducting research in their particular areas of interest or specialisation and acquisition of an understanding of a body of knowledge in the respective area of specialisation.

This Master's programme is purely based on individual supervised research. Candidates will be exposed to Research Methodology Course to strengthen their research knowledge. At the end of the candidate's study, a dissertation must be submitted and upon successful defence of the dissertation, the candidate will be awarded a Masters’ degree. All research proposals must be approved and supervised by the Faculty. Candidates are required to complete their studies within 8 semesters.

This Master's programme is purely based on individual supervised research. Candidates will be exposed to [Code: BMX7001] Research Methodology Course (3 Credits) to strengthen their research knowledge. At the end of the candidate's study, a dissertation must be submitted and upon successful defence of the dissertation, the candidate will be awarded a Masters’ degree. All research proposals must be approved and supervised by the Faculty. Candidates are required to complete their studies within 8 semesters.


Application and admission are open throughout the year. For online application, please visit https://pgadmission.um.edu.my

Candidature Seminar

Assessment Rubric


Progress Report

A candidate is required to submit a research progress report latest between week sixteen and week eighteen of each semester before the registration of the subsequent semester in accordance with the prescribed procedure. The Supervisor, Co-Supervisor and Consultant shall evaluate the candidate’s research progress report in accordance with the prescibed procedures and complete the said evaluation within one (1) week from the date of receipt of progress report for the semester concerned.

A candidate whose progress is satisfactory shall be recommended to continue with his candidature. A candidate whose progress is not satisfactory for two (2) consecutive semesters shall have his candidature terminated by the University. Please make sure the following steps are followed to ensure successful submission of your progress report:

Conversion From Master’s To Doctoral (Phd)

A program leading to a doctoral degree (PhD) within the same research area is possible and conversion from Master to PhD is based on merits. The PhD Candidacy is for a period of four (4) semesters (minimum) and up to twelve (12) semesters (maximum). Application for this option should be made within one (1) year for full-time or two (2) years for part-time from your Master's study registration.

Terms and Requirements

A candidate for a Master’s programme by Research may be considered for a change in his candidature status to a Doctoral programme by Research subject to the following conditions:

  1. Application for change of candidature status must be made within the period of:
    1. one (1) year for full-time candidates; and
    2. two (2) years for part-time candidates;
  2. Candidates have passed the Research Methodology course;
  3. submit an application to the Dean of the Faculty;
  4. submit a Supervisor’s and Head of Department’s report together with supporting documents;
  5. submit one (1) research report of not more than 6,000 words on:
    1. Introduction and scope of research;
    2. Objectives of research;
    3. Research Methodology;
    4. Research Plan which would lead to the Doctoral level;
  6. submit the outcome throughout the Master’s programme of study, for example:
    1. a seminar presentation at the university, national or international level, and
    2. a research findings accepted for publication based on the University's decision;
    3. a patent application with pending approval (patent pending) or has been approved and a seminar presentation at the university, national or international level.​​​​​
  7. A candidate has to present his research findings in a seminar with a panel of assessors comprising of two (2) experts from within and outside the University in the field concerned as determined by the Faculty. The seminar shall as far as possible, be held within a month from the date of application to change the candidature status which fulfils the conditions in subregulations (1)(1) - (6) received from the candidate.​​​​​​
  8. The appointed panel shall make an assessment on the two (2) following aspects:
    1. The Research Report to change the status, and
    2. seminar presentation to change the status.
  9. The Report on the Change of Candidature Status from Master’s programme by Research to Doctoral programme by Research shall be submitted for consideration and approval by the Senate.
  10. The Master’s degree candidature duration is taken into account in the duration of the Doctoral programme by Research.
  11. Candidates who are approved for change of candidature status are required to register for the Doctoral programme by Research.
  12. A candidate whose change of candidature status has been approved need not retake the Research Methodology course at the Doctoral programme by Research level.

Entry Requirement


Last Update: 13/01/2025